
All of the below cause text or other types of content to appear in your passage. See Modifiers and Inserts for more information.

{ambient sound: 'sound name', volume: 0.5}
Begins playing a previously-defined ambient sound. volume can be omitted; by default, the ambient sound is played at full volume.
{back link, label: 'Back'}
Renders a link to the previous passage. label can be omitted; Chapbook will default to using 'Back'.
{cycling link for 'variableName', choices: ['one', 'two', 'three']}
Renders a cycling link that runs through the options listed in choices, saving the option the player selected to the variable named. for 'variable name' can be omitted; Chapbook will not save the selected value anywhere.
{dropdown menu for 'variableName', choices: ['one', 'two', 'three']}
Renders a dropdown menu that runs through the options listed in choices, saving the option the player selected to the variable named. for 'variable name' can be omitted; Chapbook will not save the selected value anywhere.
{embed Flickr image: 'embed code', alt: 'alternate text'}
abbreviated: {embed Flickr: 'embed code', alt: 'alternate text'}
Renders an image hosted on Flickr with alt text specified by alt.
{embed image: 'url', alt: 'alternate text'}
Renders an image at a particular URL with alt text specified by alt.
{embed passage named: 'passage name'}
abbreviated: {embed passage: 'passage name'}
Renders the passage named in the insert. This executes any vars section in that passage.
{embed Unsplash image: 'URL', alt: 'alternate text'}
abbreviated: {embed Unsplash: 'URL', alt: 'alternate text'}
Renders an image hosted on Unsplash with alt text specified by alt.
{embed YouTube video: 'URL'}
abbreviated: {embed YouTube: 'URL'}
Renders a video player for a video hosted on YouTube.
{link to: 'passage name or URL', label: 'label'}
Renders a link to a passage name or address. label may be omitted; Chapbook will use the passage name or URL as label instead.
{restart link, label: 'label'}
Renders a link that restarts the story. label may be omitted; Chapbook will use 'Restart' in that instance.
{reveal link: 'label', text: 'revealed text'}
Renders a link that expands to show the text property when clicked or tapped.
{reveal link: 'label', passage: 'passage name'}
Renders a link that expands to show the contents of the passage that has the name specified by the passage property when clicked or tapped.
{sound effect: 'sound name', volume: 0.5}
Begins playing a [previously-defined sound effect][sound]. volume can be omitted; by default, the ambient sound is played at full volume.
{text input for: 'variable name', required: false}
Renders a text field, saving the text entered to the variable named. for 'variable name' can be omitted; Chapbook will not save the selected value anywhere. required can also be omitted; Chapbook will make the field required unless you specify otherwise.
{theme switcher, darkLabel: 'label', lightLabel: 'label'}
Renders a link that switches between light and dark themes. darkLabel and lightLabel set the label shown when the theme is currently dark or light.