Chapbook, a story format for Twine 2

Chapbook is a story format for Twine 2, which means that it plays stories created in Twine in a web browser.

Chapbook is released under the MIT license. It can be used to create commercial works without royalty payment or other arrangement.

Chapbook is part of the official Twine 2 distribution, but you can also use it with this URL:

Learn about Chapbook

The guide is a gentle introduction to creating with Chapbook. Start here if you'd like to start creating with Chapbook.

Cloak of Darkness, a sample story

Want a quick look at the output Chapbook produces, or the way you write a code for it? Take a look at the story and its Twee source code. If you've never used Twee before, it's a compact text-only format for Twine stories. The main thing to keep in mind is that each line beginning with :: describes a new passage.

Report a bug or suggest a feature

Please take a look at the contribution guidelines before opening an issue.

API documentation

Technical documentation of Chapbook's internals is also available. It's meant for people who have experience with JavaScript and want to extend Chapbook or understand how it works.

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